The Mathematical Coffees is a joint series of seminars organized jointly by Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris and Huawei. It is privately held at Huawei Paris Research Center, but the material (slides and computational resources) is freely available on this webpage.
The list of the 10 Mathematical Coffees for 2017, with all the materials for those that have been done, is available here.
List of Speakers for 2018
- Yves Achdou, Paris 6.
- Daniel Bennequin, Paris 7.
- Marco Cuturi, ENSAE.
- Jalal Fadili, ENSICaen.
- Alexandre Gramfort, INRIA.
- Olivier Grisel (INRIA)
- Olivier Guéant, Paris 1.
- Iordanis Kerenidis, CNRS and Paris 7.
- Guillaume Lecué, CNRS and ENSAE.
- Frédéric Magniez, CNRS and Paris 7.
- Edouard Oyallon, CentraleSupelec.
- Gabriel Peyré, CNRS and ENS.
- Joris Van den Bossche (INRIA)
List of Speakers for 2017
- Alexandre Allauzen, Paris-Sud.
- Pierre Alliez, INRIA.
- Guillaume Charpiat, INRIA.
- Emilie Chouzenoux, Paris-Est.
- Nicolas Courty, IRISA.
- Laurent Cohen, CNRS and Paris-Dauphine.
- Marco Cuturi, ENSAE.
- Julie Delon, Paris 5.
- Jalal Fadili, ENSICaen.
- Alexandre Gramfort, Telecom ParisTech.
- Matthieu Kowalski, Paris-Sud.
- Guillaume Lecué, CNRS and ENSAE.
- Jean-Marie Mirebeau, CNRS and Paris-Sud.
- Gabriel Peyré, CNRS and ENS.
- Fabian Pedregosa, INRIA.
- Julien Tierny, CNRS and Paris 6.
- Robin Ryder, Paris-Dauphine.
- Gael Varoquaux, INRIA.